Every goal requires a plan. A split up with your boyfriend or girlfriend is no different. You must set a viable, realistic plan of action. Knowing the do’s and don’ts of a break up is a good place to start and knowing where to go from there for more some split up advice. Advice particularly from those who have been where you are and have succeeded in their goal for re-uniting with an ex spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend.There is always a second chance for everyone. The split up with your boyfriend does not have to be permanent. However, there are copious steps to take on this venture, so I am here to share with you my split up advice so you too, can have that reunion you are so hoping for.
First off, clear your head and think about yourself, your feelings, wants and needs. Do you still love him? Are you afraid of being alone therefore wanting your ex back for all the reasons? Are you sure you want him back and if so, why? Or, perhaps you are simply angry that you were dumped?
Whatever mistake you may have made that had a hand in your break up. Don’t make a second mistake by getting back together for any reason other than love. This is a mistake that could cost you and him, either sooner or later.
If you have split up with your boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse here is split up advice for you to grab a hold of and action now.
The Basics – do not do!
- Do not beg for him to come back to you.
- Do not expose your emotions for him to see.
- Do not stalk him.
- Do not question his whereabouts.
- Do not show your jealousy.
- Do not prank call, drunken dial, or pester him.
- Do not speak badly about him to his friends and family.
As with anything worthwhile, there are quite a few difficult things for you to master. Should you choose to do the above don’t find it surprising when your split up with your boyfriend turns into a further nightmare when he avoids you at every turn and doesn’t want to be anywhere near you.
The Basics – Things to do
- Keep communication lines open on a positive and productive level.
- Be civil and calm in the conversations. Even if they turn into an argument, especially if the argument is headed toward the reason for the break up. It is here that you have the opportunity to analyze the problem and decide if it is an area you can rectify.
- Keep CASUAL contact.
- Maintain relations with friends and relatives.
Maintain relations with friends and relatives.If you and your ex have friends that you share, keep this going. Don’t stay away because it feels awkward or because you think he might be at the same place you are going with your friends. Be the bigger person and show him that all is well and can remain in place. Be an adult about it. This behavior, especially from a woman is something most men do not expect. Here is where you can gain ground as to your character and lady like manor. Your friends and relatives will appreciate it as well. If he is talking about you in a bad manner it will be harder for him to get away with it around your friends.
This particular split up advice is easier said than done. If you can master this, the split up with your boyfriend is a bit closer to a thing of the past.
From this point on remember the do’s and the don’ts. Engage in each one everyday as best you can. It will get easier with each day that passes. Keep yourself active and strong and do things you love to do. Keep these areas in play for a firm foundation to be set, keep in mind that “Break ups” do turn to “make ups.”
Watch this video for more split up advice
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